10 Must Ask Interview Questions

Julie Shenkman
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A job interview is not only a chance for you to show employers that you are the best candidate for the job. It is also your opportunity to find out whether a company is a good fit for you. Use these interview questions to evaluate your potential employer.

1. How Does the Company Handle Conflict?

Asking about conflict resolution can give you a good idea of the company culture. The recruiter should know what the company policy is for handling conflict and should be happy to explain it to you.

2. Do You Think I'm Qualified for The Job?

Some job seekers are reluctant to ask this question because they don't want to plant a seed of doubt in a hiring manager's mind. However, it is important to know what the interviewer thinks of you, so don't hesitate to ask.

3. Can We Negotiate on Salary or Benefits?

It is usually possible to negotiate a higher salary or extra benefits by highlighting your skills and the value you can bring to the company. If the salary seems too low for the position, be ready to present your case.

4. How Can I Help the Company Achieve Its Goals?

Asking this interview question shows employers that you're a team player who is ready to work. The manager's answer to this question provides insight into what your duties would be on a daily basis and helps you understand the purpose of your role.

5. What Do I Need to Know to Succeed in This Company?

This interview question gives an interviewer the chance to let you know all the essential facts about company culture. Asking this question shows interviewers that you are ambitious and determined to succeed.

6. How Do You Consider Employees' Opinions?

Use this interview question to find out whether the company listens to employees and values their input. Take this question a step further by asking about some important contributions made by employees.

7. What Is the Turnover Rate?

A high turnover rate in your chosen role can be a warning sign that the job is a nightmare. If the company is recruiting their third manager in two years, there could be a problem with the company culture.

8. Is There Room to Fail?

All roles should have room for failure, which is necessary for growth. Find out whether you will be able to take risks and try new things in this role.

9. What Is Your Favorite and Least Favorite Thing About Working Here?

This interview question allows interviewers to open up about the good and bad parts of company culture. This open-ended interview question that can provide real insight into a company.

10. Does This Role Align with My Values?

This question is one you should ask yourself after the interview. A job that aligns with your values is much more likely to make you happy than one that does not.

Use these interview questions to find out whether a role is right for you. Remember, job interviews give you a chance to find out everything you can about your potential next employer, so take full advantage of the opportunity.

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