10 Reason Why You Aren't Getting Called for an Interview

Nancy Anderson
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After tweaking and sending out your resume to multiple employers, you hope to get at least one call back. If you're not getting called for a job interview, don't get discouraged. Instead, try to figure out what's holding you back, and make any necessary changes. Here are 10 common reasons why you might not be making the cut.

1. Too Generic

Standing out from the crowd can be tough, but it's necessary if you want to get called for a job interview. When you're trying to find employment with a specific organization, you can assume that plenty of other equally or more qualified people are also applying for jobs at that same company. Always adjust your resume to fit the exact position you're hoping to land. This requires extra effort but can make a big difference when it comes to getting an employer's attention.

2. No Cover Letter

A solid cover letter that expounds on your resume drastically boosts your chances of getting a job interview. Like your resume, your cover letter must be tailored to each position.

3. Errors

One small document error can eliminate you from the running. Proofread your resume and cover letter and ask others to look it over before sending it out.

4. Application Process Mistakes

You're unlikely to land a job interview if you don't follow the employment application instructions properly. Some companies don't want cover letters, and some do. Some request specific information. Make sure you abide by the company's exact guidelines.

5. You Don't Fit In with the Company Culture

It's up to you to convince the hiring manager that you would make a valuable addition to the team. Spend some time reviewing the company's website, and make yourself sound like an ideal candidate. Use similar language, mention company-specific products and make it clear that you belong.

6. Unflattering Social Media Profiles

These days, it's pretty much guaranteed that a potential employer is going to search your name online before calling you for a job interview. Make sure your social media profiles represent you well, or make them private.

7. Irrelevant Experience

Hiring managers seek candidates that will acclimate to the position easily. Make sure you fit that profile. Adjust your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant experience.

8. Unattractive Documents

Sometimes, something as superficial as the font you use can cost you the job interview. If you want to find employment, make sure your resume and cover letter are pleasing to the eye.

9. You Don't Show Initiative

Sometimes, it's not enough to send your application to an employer and hope for the best. Call or email the hiring manager to check on the status of your resume. Prove that you really want the position more than the other candidates.

10. The Reason Is Beyond Your Control

Sometimes, there's simply someone who is better qualified. Or, perhaps the CEO's grandson applied for the position. Don't beat yourself up over things that are out of your control. Simply move on.

There's no guarantee that you're going to hear back from an employer after a job interview. However, you should always be on the lookout for ways to improve how you present yourself to employers to increase your chances of getting a call.

Photo courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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  • Keith E.
    Keith E.

    In today's frantic litigious environs; many prospective employers simply ignore those individuals whom they have no interests in; many are worried that if they interview a candidate whom they feel is not a good fit; that they will become involved in litigation of some sort. If they never say anything post interview regarding your candidacy all that they can be accused of is being rude and insensitive, even unprofessional: but none of these issues are going to result in a multi-million dollar law suit.

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