5 Things You Can Do to Overcome Job Interview Fatigue

Jason David
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There’s no getting around it, job interviews (and the job search process) can be a slog. Dealing with rejections, appointments, zoom calls, follow up emails, gracious thank you’s, and plain mismatches can all be a hassle. Unfortunately, it’s a necessary part of your career, and likely will be unless you end up on a dream track at your top choice company from a very young age. In the meantime, you should always think about how to remain spry and lively for your interviews, not only for the sake of appearing professional, but also for the sake of your own mental health and state of mind. Here are a few tips on how to overcome job interview fatigue.

1. Talk about what you love. This one comes first because I think it’s the easiest as well as the most productive. It’s important to remember that interviewers get tired of having similar conversations all the time also. They’ve heard a ton about college years, internships, and previous positions. You know what they’d love to hear you talk about? The things you love to talk about: your hobbies, travel, funny (and appropriate!) work experiences. Try to engage in human conversation. It will break up the monotony of interviewing, and help establish a personal rapport rather than just a business formality.

2. Break up your schedule as best you can. This doesn’t mean any one particular strategy. If you like to do one interview a day five days a week and have a regular weekend, that’s totally fine. If you would prefer to stack five interviews on top of each other and get a day or two off in between so you can focus on other things, that’s fine too. Obviously, you’ll have to make concessions here and there, but remember, you’re the one who has final say over your own schedule, so manage it in a way that makes you your happiest and most productive self.

3. Send out your resume to a few reach positions. I want you to keep this within the realm of possibility, since you don’t want to be walking into an interview for which you feel wholly unqualified, but it’s certainly worth a shot to look out for jobs that may be a big swing from your current position. It’s a great way to keep yourself on your toes and to keep your bigger ambitions and stretch jobs in front of you. So, don’t be afraid to swing big!

4. Don’t let rejections get you down. This is ultimately a numbers game. A ton of people are applying for jobs right now, and the weird chaos of connections, resumes, and job boards makes it so that, ultimately, who gets a position is ultimately out of your hands. Focus on what’s in your hands, which is showing up, being professional and personable, and making a positive impression. One of these days you’ll get an offer you’re happy with, and that’ll make everything worth it.

5. Focus on the things you love to do. Remember, for a lot of people, a job is ultimately a pathway to security while you can focus on the things you truly love in life. If that’s your career, awesome, keep these tips in mind and go crush these interviews. If what you ultimately love to do though is, say, kayak, remember: YOU DON’T HAVE TO LAND YOUR DREAM JOB TO GO DO IT. While you’re searching, still try to make time to focus on the things you love that make all the hassle worth it. 


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  • Donna L.
    Donna L.

    I am a people person work well with the public and always happy to meet and help anybody are if it calls for just to listen .


    I have had a difficult time figuring out how to convey all of my work experience in my field without giving too much detail and keeping it to one page, it I s absolutely impossible. It tough deciding whether to make my resume as brief as possible and not list all the different positions I’ve held and should I list all the buildings that I have built?

  • John B.
    John B.

    Very frustrating and just want a job..volunteer first then a paying job if possible 🙏🏻

  • Robert  E.
    Robert E.

    What I can't believe is when Recruiters tell you that they will call you back after sending you email on a job project ..

  • Linda Z.
    Linda Z.

    Interviews are so draining...

  • Rhonda B.
    Rhonda B.

    This is the best advice I’ve heard since I’ve been laid off from my job back in May 2021 follow those five rules. You will feel less stressed and definitely you have the control as long as you’re getting a severance pay or and unemployment try not to worry so much, take your time and do the assessment test correctly provide an excellent résumé and follow-up questions for the employer , Don’t be afraid to ask questions remember you’re the one that has to work at your future company and it’s up to them if they want to choose you or not. keep in mind, Salary range is important but don’t compromise if you don’t have too. Top dollar for top performance is totally worth holding out for. Don’t settle When you worked hard to get the Great work ethic reputation you have you should not compromise. Be patient and don’t be frustrated count your blessings you’re alive you have a roof over your head and still money in your pocket. Always be gracious and grateful that will get you through the day every time

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