8 Things You Can Say in the Interview That Guarantees You Won't Get the Job

Nabila Ikram
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When we talk about anything in life, we want to be hopeful and motivated, but at the same time, we have to be realistic about what works and what doesn’t work so we can avoid nasty situations, and make the best out of any sticky situations in which we may find ourselves.

Therefore, here are 8 things you should stay away from saying when at an interview:

1.  Ask what the company does

As part of the research you completed when applying for the position, you should have thoroughly looked into the position and the company. The potential employer wants to see how well you match with the company’s values. Therefore, it’s important that you research and have a solid understanding of the position and the company.

2.  Complain about a past employer/employee

No company wants employees that can’t handle conflicts well. Disputes happen, but complaining about the grief you had with your former employer or colleagues makes you look unprofessional and less trustworthy.

3.  Be the first to ask about salary and benefits

Of course, it’s obvious, that for any job seeker, the salary and benefits package he or she will receive is usually the most important- and exciting- part of an offer. However, asking about it without the interviewer opening up the discussion first, may seem demanding and pushy.

4.  Speak too casually.

Communication is extremely important. Speak naturally and genuinely, but not so comfortably that you begin to use slang, swear, or share personal stories from your latest camping trip (unless, if it’s related to the position…)

5.  Speak too formally or with a heavy use of jargon and clichés

At the same time, don’t be so uptight that you seem rigid, as if you’re reading off a memorized script, or use vocabulary so formal and technical, the interviewer has a hard time following the conversation.

6.  Tell them it’s on your resume

The interviewer went through your resume, liked what he or she saw, and invited you for an interview. If they ask you about a point present on your resume, they are looking for further discussion on that point, such as an elaboration or anecdote from your experience. Telling them it’s on the resume, seems arrogant and undermines their time before and during the interview.

7.  Show insecurity or lack of confidence

As mentioned above, you’re at the interview because a decision maker at the company liked what they saw on your resume. Be confident. Potential employers want strong and secure employees who can be relied upon to deliver positive results.

8.  Mention your plans to start your own business or race up the ladder.

After salary and benefits, the other exciting part about any offer are the opportunities a position can open up for your long-term professional goals. However, companies want employees who plan on sticking around for a while, are loyal to the company, and are not too demanding. Therefore, it’s better to avoid discussing your specific long-term plans, but it’s ok to ask about general career training or opportunities employees have at the company.  

Preparation is the key to success. Be confident that you made it past the first phase of the job search process by being selected for an interview. Now, you just have to remember what could go wrong and plan accordingly. Be a master planner and you’ll find the interview to be smooth sailing.  


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  • Lori R.
    Lori R.

    As I remember, wear Blue attire (Not revealing) for the 1st interview. Thereafter, depends on the setting. : )

  • Jim T.
    Jim T.

    Thanks, have not been able to get but 1 in person interview

  • Stephanie Kelley
    Stephanie Kelley

    Thank you for the knowledge

  • Linda N.
    Linda N.

    Thank you. It was enlightening.

  • Paul Z.
    Paul Z.

    Excellent advice. Remember to follow it.

  • Martina R.
    Martina R.

    Thank you for the info. I would like to be hired.


    Thank you for these helpful guides.

  • Enrique R.
    Enrique R.


  • Theresa T.
    Theresa T.

    Thank you

  • Olivia P.
    Olivia P.

    Thank you for those useful tools which is much appreciated.


    makes sense

  • Boumediene M.
    Boumediene M.


  • Tuesday P.
    Tuesday P.

    Awesome, very inquisitive!

  • Mary C.
    Mary C.

    Very productive advice. Thank you for your assistance!!

  • Kath W.
    Kath W.

    Seems like common sense “no no”s — but uncommonly excellent advice.

  • Xi Y.
    Xi Y.

    Thank you this was very helpful advice.

  • Marvin W.
    Marvin W.

    Thanks this is so helpful. I will surely remember this. Thank you!

  • Sylvia D.
    Sylvia D.

    Great advise

  • Wale T.
    Wale T.

    Difficult to to finish

  • Lucy H.
    Lucy H.

    Very very helpful information. Thanks!

  • Ron M.
    Ron M.

    Thanks very helpful , this maybe my 1st interview in 30 years

  • Esther L.
    Esther L.

    Very informative I appreciate this very much.i will take your advice and do as you say. Thank you very much.

  • Brandon H.
    Brandon H.

    Nice blog!! Great ideas that seem to work!!!

  • Armando C.
    Armando C.

    Thanks for tools!

  • Diana M.
    Diana M.

    Thank you! very helpful.

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