Are You Expecting Too Much From the Hiring Manager?

John Krautzel
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The hiring process often sparks uncertainty for job seekers, and you may find yourself making demands of a hiring manager that are unrealistic. Even though your career and financial future may weigh heavily on a final decision from your interviewer, take a step back to evaluate if you are expecting too much. Make less work for a potential employer by avoiding these actions.

Submitting an Incomplete Application

Although it may seem like a simple fix to place a "see resume" notation on an online application, you are actually making more work for the hiring manager. Online applicant tracking systems are designed to filter information to supervisors and human resource specialists. When your application is incomplete, it makes it more difficult for potential employers to run reports from the system or even clearly see your qualifications for the job. As a result, your shortcut could cost you an opportunity for the job of your dreams.

Demanding Answers

A hiring manager is equipped with information about the job, but he may not know the answer to your every question. It could be important for you to know the basics of benefits offered or the names of the people you might work with, but do not expect the interviewer to dig up this information prior to a job offer. His job is comprised of evaluating your qualifications and skills versus performing research for you during the hiring process. When you make demands that are intrusive, it could lead the hiring manager to view you as aggressive instead of assertive.

Spend time during your job search researching the answers to questions you have that may not be answered prior to the time a decision is made. Reach out to people in your network to inquire more about the company, and connect with current employees on social media platforms or LinkedIn.

Expecting Immediate Responses

While it is customary, and recommended, for job seekers to follow up with the hiring manager, expecting an immediate response is unrealistic. Consider the responsibilities of this individual. The manager may have to consult with a committee or board to make a hiring decision. It is also possible that additional interviews are still in the works for the remaining candidates. Resist the temptation to constantly pester your interviewer. Instead, send a follow-up note or email and call your interviewer later in the week to inquire about a hiring decision. Take cues from this individual and ask when an appropriate time to follow up again would be convenient. Understandably, you are eager to know more, but pressuring the employer is not going to speed up the process or play in your favor when applying for a job.

Learn the ins and outs of the process of hiring before making demands of a hiring manager following a job interview. When you approach your follow up with eagerness, yet without taking an aggressive approach, you may increase your chances of a job offer.

Photo Courtesy of Ambro at


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