Behavioral Interview Questions of 2018

John Krautzel
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Behavioral interview questions give potential employers a way to gauge how you would react to certain situations. Each question features real-world scenarios and helps reveal aspects of your behavior. There are no right or wrong answers, but how you respond to behavioral questions reveals to employers how you might think, act and respond in a particular situation. Discover the top five behavioral inquiries in 2018 as you prepare for an interview.

1. Talk About Your Greatest Success at a Previous Job

This behavioral interview inquiry sheds light on your greatest skill or accomplishment. This inquiry plays to your strengths, and your response gives interviewers an idea of how you would perform at the company. When responding, be sure to impress the interviewer. For example, talk about how you solved a particularly complex problem for a previous employer that lead to earning a promotion or landing a huge client.

2. Discuss a Mistake You Made on a Particular Project

This inquiry is similar to the question "What is your greatest weakness?" Showing your greatest weakness or exposing a big mistake gives you an opportunity to let interviewers know how you bounced back from a potential failure and dealt with adversity. When responding to this behavioral interview inquiry, explain exactly what you learned from your mistake. Also, describe how you would handle the situation differently today.

3. Describe a Time You Had a Conflict With a Co-Worker and How You Overcame It

Yes, you're a team player, but oftentimes, employers want to know how you handle conflict. Employers want someone who is confident and honest yet diplomatic when dealing with team members. Employers learn two things from you with this behavioral interview inquiry: how you see yourself during a potential argument and how you prioritize others during a time of conflict. Your answer should reveal that you're someone who is more than willing to compromise if that is what's best for the team.

4. How Quickly Did You Learn a New Concept That You Didn't Know Before?

No one expects you to know everything about a position. However, employers love to know how fast you can learn a new concept or skill. A behavioral interview question about how fast you learn something new tells an employer about how eager you would be to learn and develop in your new position.

5. How Would You Prioritize a Large Assignment?

Time management and prioritizing tasks are very important soft skills that you need in any type of position. Employers need to know how efficient you are at managing day-to-day duties, solving problems and handling your job duties.

Behavioral interview questions give employers great insight during interviews. Do you think asking behavioral questions during interviews in 2018 is an effective strategy?

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  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    @Michael G thanks for your comment. Employers really don't want to know what you studied in school. All they care about is whether or not you can do the job. A GPA is great while you are in school and it could help you if you were going to for an internship but that's about it. The hiring manager already knows that you went to school because you put it on your application. As for discussing what the hiring manager studied in school - what if they didn't go to college? That sure would be a bad end to an interview wouldn't it?

  • Michael G.
    Michael G.

    Imagine what it would sound like if the employer since they spent all that money going to college if they had a conversation about what they studied in school


    This is a question I would ask the interviewer. "what do you see as the greatest challenge in this position?"

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    Thanks for the comments. @Robert T that sounds like a great idea. It would be great to know, right then and there, if they are considering you as a new employee instead of sitting by the phone for several weeks while they mull it over! @Pamela S - so agree. I hate questions like, if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be and why!!!! I know there is psychology behind these questions but truly, what do they really prove. Maybe for one interview I could be a mighty oak and the next I could be a sapling!!! @Lionel H, we are from the same age group and I would have answered the question close to the same way - to ramp up to speed quickly. No matter what, you have to be yourself during the interview. They need to see the real you - even if you are nervous. So just be yourself and answer them the way you would - not the way someone or some site tells us we should respond!!! All the best!

  • Lionel H.
    Lionel H.

    Add this one: "If offered the position, what would you consider to be your greatest challenge with this position?"
    As an older, or should we say "distinguished" applicant being honest prolly tanked my interview because, at my age (61) I replied, "learning everything there is to learn quickly!" Yes, I'll admit that if I had been the interviewers, I wouldn't have hired me EITHER. Fact is: Older, more experienced applicants, don't have as many brain cells as the newer "millenials" and more recruiters should be "hip to this" when we walk in with our sparkle, sparkle more salt than pepper HAIR! Just throwing this out there!

  • Pamela S.
    Pamela S.

    No your nervous interviewing already the questions are not even trying to see if your the right person for the job I hate when I get ask thoughsquestions it’s

  • Robert T.
    Robert T.

    I have used this for many years. It is fairly effective but somewhat behind the times. I suggest looking at Hire for Delight, which is putting peoples skills and resume to the test. You provide them with a mock scenario based on the job and skills required (day before interview). They put together a live F2F presentation that they deliver to various team members. You basically provide them with a yes/no the same day based on how well they did and if the small interview team has 100% agreement (if even 1 of the 4-5 interviewers is a no, you pass on the candidate). This approach works great for sales and service roles, marketing and leadership roles. I have seen it used effectively when interviewing engineers as well.

  • Phyllis F.
    Phyllis F.


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