Did You Ever Wonder What the Interviewer is Thinking?

John Krautzel
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When you walk into a job interview, you may feel nervous in anticipation of the questions, you might be anxious to learn more about the position, or you may be excited to demonstrate your skills and qualifications. While your feelings are no mystery, you may wonder what the interviewer is thinking. Here are some clues.

1. "I Want You to Impress Me"

The interviewer is hoping to hire the most qualified person to fill the vacant position so he's likely rooting for one candidate to stand out from all the others. Come up with an interesting and unique hook to impress the hiring manager and ensure you make a memorable first impression. This could be a short story about your top achievement or an unusual fact about your educational background.

2. "I Hope I Like You"

Nobody wants to hire and work with an employee who is impossible to get along with on a daily basis. Managers want employees who are likable and who like them as well. Make sure you're friendly and personable throughout your interactions with the interviewer. Smile naturally, maintain eye contact, practice good posture, and show your enthusiasm for the organization and the position.

3. "I Want You to Prove Your Value"

The interviewer wants to be convinced that the candidate he chooses is the most qualified person for the job. One great way to do this is to demonstrate how you can be an asset to the hiring organization. Do some research on the company, and uncover a problem or challenge it's currently facing. Demonstrate or explain how you can use your knowledge and skills to help solve the problem.

4. "I Hope You Ask the Right Questions"

When the interviewer asks if you have questions, he's likely disappointed if you simply respond with "no." Asking insightful questions shows you're interested in the position and trying to determine whether the job and company are a good fit for you. Jot down a few thoughtful questions prior to the interview so you're prepared when the opportunity arises.

5. "I Want You to Follow Up"

If the interviewer is on the fence about whether you're the ideal candidate, your follow-up method could seal the deal for you. Send a quick thank you note after your interview. Mention a specific detail from your interaction; it could be a hobby you discovered you have in common with the hiring manager or a qualification you want to highlight. Offer your contact information again in case the interviewer has any additional questions prior to making a decision.

By predicting what the interviewer is thinking and giving consideration to his thoughts, you can tailor your own reactions and responses to make a better connection and a lasting impression during your next job interview.

Photo courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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