Everything You Should Do Following an Interview

Nancy Anderson
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While one of the most stressful aspects of the job search includes the job interview, your work is not over once you leave an employer's office. Follow-up is a crucial determinant for managers seeking to hire qualified candidates. Increase your opportunities with follow-up strategies that emphasize that you are the perfect fit for the position.

Establish a Connection

Prior to shaking the hand of a hiring manager following a job interview, establish a method to follow up. Inquire about the best way to connect with the employer just in case you have any additional questions about either the hiring process or the duties of the position. Many times, hiring managers provide applicants with a direct line or email address to field inquiries. Avoid leaving the interview without a business card from all members of the hiring team so you can follow up with each professional.

Reflect on Your Progress

Spend the first few minutes after your job interview evaluating your performance. Consider taking a walk before heading home, and review your responses to each one of the interview questions in your head. Think about how you prepared during your job search for this experience, and jot down a few main ideas you can reference when sending a thank you note or email when following up with the hiring manager. If you are disappointed in your performance, reach out to mentors or members of your professional network to stage a mock interview to better prepare for the next opportunity.

Consider the Company's Viability

Not only should the interviewer evaluate how you could impact the company, but you should also assess whether or not this firm is a good fit for you following the job interview. Take a few notes after the meeting so you can remember clearly what you learned about the company's operations, culture and client base. Use this information to help you determine if the company can help you meet your professional goals. This information also provides you with details you can reference when following up with the employer.

Send a Thank You Note

While the details of the job interview are fresh in your mind, craft a handwritten note or thank you email to all individuals involved in the hiring process. Thank the hiring manager for taking the time to offer details about the position and reiterate how you can positively impact the company's growth, sales and overall revenue. Use this opportunity to offer appreciation and to also market your skills.

Although it is important to display your professionalism and abilities during the job interview, your follow-up strategies after the initial meeting ultimately show whether or not you are eager to join the firm. Put ample time into your follow up processes to highlight your skills and experiences once again and to increase your chances of landing a position.

Photo Courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    Thanks for your comments. @stacy king you are right - they should eliminate HS grad dates from job applications. But that's not going to happen - sorry to say. That's their way of getting around age discrimination. I wonder what would happen if we put a date in the future if it would accept it. @Isabel P so sorry you are struggling to find a job. We have hundreds of management positions posted on our site. Maybe you should consider going in a different direction - maybe look into project management or some other type of position where your management skills would come into play. Bottom line is that we can't give up on the job hunt. The jobs are there - just a matter of finding the right fit.

  • stacy king
    stacy king

    Stacy- asking for high school graduation date should be eliminated from any job possibility.... age discrimination is rampant... how very scary that work replies on social networking skills and youth. :-(

  • Isabel P.
    Isabel P.

    @Helen M I hear that. I have always been in management and it is hard to get a job. The company I worked for has closed its doors and I think it has a lot to do with my age as to why I can't seem to get a job. If these companies would stop looking at the age and still meet the applicant they may find that many of us are faster, and in better shape as well as serious and more in tune to getting the job done right. Its Sad. I can't afford to retire yet and still need to earn my living and pay my bills like everyone else. Being in management my whole life I know what the interviewer is looking for in a good candidate and with that being said, I guess they just want these young people. In many cases this plays a part of why some businesses close, they put to much in the hands of the unqualified to run their business and suddenly a year goes by and the P&L starts to look ugly.

  • Kris H.
    Kris H.

    @Helen M.........that is my biggest fear right now. Never thought I would find myself 54 and a victim of downsizing.

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    @Helen M thanks for your comment. That interviewer knew how old you were before you were brought in for an interview. It's not hard for them to determine your age. Even if they do something as simple as find you on social media - Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat and so on, they can get a pretty good idea how old you are. So maybe it's not age that is stopping you from getting a new job. Attitude is one of the biggest parts of an interview. If you go in with a negative attitude or even a defeatist attitude, they are going to see it and you are not going to get the call. You need to go to every interview as if this is it - this is the job for you. And always send a personal, hand-written thank you note after each interview. Make sure that you include something personal that you may have discussed during the interview or maybe even an answer to a question that you couldn't respond to during the interview. Something that will bring you to the interviewer's mind when he reads the note. All the best on your job search.

  • PAUL M.
    PAUL M.

    do everything right and they still don't hire you-why you are too old(50plus) or too smart for them

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