Following Up After the Interview

John Krautzel
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A job interview may seem like the last step in the job search process, but your work isn't over yet. There are several things you still need to do after the interview to help maximize your results. Check the following items off your list after your next job interview.

Write Down Details

Right after an interview, jot down some of the major details you can remember. From start to finish, list any observations, realizations and other information that stood out. Try to remember as much as you can, right down to how friendly the receptionist was or how the lobby was decorated. Most importantly, write down your feelings from the interview, like how well you meshed with the interviewer and what kinds of things you talked about.

Tell a Friend

Consult with a trusted, honest friend, using your notes as a guide. Try to tell the story from start to finish, using as much detail as you can. What you're looking for is an unbiased, third-party opinion on how well the interview went and whether the job seems right for you. Ask your friend to give honest feedback about anything that seems off-putting or strange about the information you provide.

Say "Thank You"

A thank you note serves two purposes. It reminds the hiring manager who you are and allows you to thank the interviewer for his time. To maximize results, try sending two thank you notes: one via email right after the interview and another handwritten note mailed to the office within a day or two. Sending an immediate thank you note works well because details from the interview are still fresh in your mind. A handwritten note sent a day or two later on nice stationery is simply impressive in its thoughtfulness and paints you in a positive light.

Keep Looking

Even if you just interviewed for your dream job, don't stop looking for other work. Continue to apply for jobs, connect with your network contacts and set interviews with other employers. You'll stay busy, and if no offer ever comes through from this job, at least you've maintained a steady momentum in your job search.

Make a Call

Hopefully, the hiring manager told you when to expect a call. If he said you should hear something within a week, mark your calendar, and call if you don't hear from him after that time frame passes. Express your interest about the position during the call, and let the hiring manager know you're still eager to work for the company.

Once you've gone through each of these steps, try to relax. There's nothing else for you to do but wait. There's no use fretting over things you could have done better during the interview. If you don't get an offer, it doesn't mean you aren't a great candidate. Continue to pursue employment until you land your dream job.

Photo courtesy of Ambro at


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