Great Transitional Career Options

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Sometimes it may feel that your time in your current career has just about run its course. It may seem that you’ve contributed all that you can and are now looking for new ways to make contributions to society; ways that involve you using different aspects of your creativity. If this is the case then it may be time to change careers. But there are some careers that are easier to transition into than others. So if you’re looking for a change, but don’t quite have an idea of what the change should be, take a look these career options. Jobs Resistant to Offshoring While your career transition should have more to do with you wanting to make new and exciting contributions in another realm, and less to do with money, in the wake of a suffering economy, you should always remain financially realistic. There are some jobs (i.e. auto industry positions) that are simply not stable at this point. However, there are some that are more resistant to bankruptcy or offshoring. In your search to find a new career path that cultivates your interests, it doesn’t hurt to browse careers like these. Some jobs that fit into this category include genetic counselor, mediator, curriculum/training specialist, and user experience specialist. The same goes for ghostwriters. Any business that wants brochures, newsletters, TV or radio ads, or websites and would like their material written by someone needs a ghostwriter. If you have a passion for writing, that someone could be you. Non-College Careers There are many non-college careers that are now being considered great transitional careers. Why? Well, for starters, many of the professional jobs are being sent overseas for offshoring, leaving not much for recent college grads. Also, Baby Boomers who have recently suffered huge blows from the economy – many even losing most of their retirement in the financial/401k crisis – have had to return to old jobs or find new ones. As a result, many blue-collar jobs are now in demand. A few that may spark your interest include firefighting and plumbing, as well as becoming a hairstylist, locksmith, and biomedical equipment technician. Healthcare If your desire to contribute to society falls into the realm of making unhealthy people healthy again, then you might want to consider switching over to healthcare. Because there are many more aging Baby Boomers, as well as a larger number of immigrants needing healthcare, there is more of a requirement for help. This is especially true in the areas of patient advocacy, health informatics, and wellness coaching. So if making a difference in this way is ideal, you may want to consider traveling this route. Of course, this is only an introduction to the possibilities transitioning into a new career can bring. You will definitely want to conduct more research, not just on what options will make the most sense financially, but also emotionally. But after creating a list of ideas that truly interest you, you may find that these or other easy-to-transition-into careers fall in line with your agenda. So continue to study what’s out there, choose wisely, and carefully transition your way into the new career of your dreams.

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  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.@Nick - Great point! It's important to consider what will make the most sense emotionally as well as financially. What things do you think people should really look at when making this sort of decision?
  • Jazlynn
    I thank you for sharing your wisdom
  • Nick P.
    Nick P.
    Sometimes its so sad to think that if the off-shoring career will banish all the way by the new wave of technology that will create new careers in outsourcing. There are many non-college careers that are now being considered great transitional careers. outsourcing directory Of course, this is only an introduction to the possibilities transitioning into a new career can bring. You will definitely want to conduct more research, not just on what options will make the most sense financially, but also emotionally

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