Hiring Managers Offer Advice

John Krautzel
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Five Philadelphia-area hiring managers spoke to Philly Magazine about how candidates should handle themselves before and during a job interview. These managers get real and debunk some common misconceptions about a job search based on their years of experience in the industry.

Always Ask Questions

Doing research on a company is more than just looking up a mission statement or perusing social media posts. Researching a company ahead of your job interview means asking questions. When you call to set up your interview time, ask the person on the other end of the line, "Who will I be meeting with?" "What is the interview process like?" "How long should the interview take?"

Leverage your network on LinkedIn to make inquiries of the people who already work for a company you're interested in. The company's current employees know the company culture and what it's really like to work there, so they can provide much more valuable information compared to a company website. Ask people what the current atmosphere is like, if people earning promotions and any other questions that can help you decide if the organization is right for you.

Cultural Fit

Beyond just finding out if getting to a job interview is worth your time and effort, you want to research the company to determine if it's a good cultural fit. Discover what the company stands for, why it exists and what its long-term goals are. Again, getting to know people who work there gives you a great idea about what the atmosphere is truly like. If you share the same core values as the company, then chances are good that you're a perfect cultural fit and would be happy working for the organization.

Dress for Success

Dress codes have become much more casual and relaxed in recent years, but attire for a job interview is different from that of everyday wear at the office, so it's important to make sure you look as professional as possible. Semi-formal attire is the best choice for a job interview, even if you find that most employees wear polo shirts and khakis to work each day. Make sure your clothes fit well and are ironed properly. Wear business-casual shoes that aren't too flashy, and groom yourself to look your best. Finally, avoid wearing large pieces of jewelry that might cause fidgeting or too much cologne or perfume.

Hiring managers want to hire good people who have the right attitude and values. The more you know about the company ahead of a job interview, the better chances you have of making a great impression and landing a job. Even if you don't get a job the first time around, the impression you leave with interviewers might lead them to consider you for future opportunities with the company.

Photo courtesy of Millenia47 at Flickr.com


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