Interview Tips for All Aspects of the Interview

John Krautzel
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A job interview gives you a chance to shine. It's your opportunity to convince the hiring manager that you're deserving of the job. Make sure you nail all aspects of the big day with these interview tips for all aspects of the job interview.

Before the Interview

Start preparing for your job interview as soon as you schedule the interview date. Research the company's business practices, and learn everything you can about its products and services. Read news articles and press releases about the organization, and check out the LinkedIn profiles of employees and key players.

Look up common job interview questions, and think about the best way to respond to each. Ask a friend or family member to run through a mock interview with you to get some practice before your interview day. Rehearse your responses in front of the mirror until they sound natural.

Think about some questions you can ask the hiring manager when given the opportunity, and jot them down. Consider asking about the company culture, or inquire about opportunities for advancement within the organization.

During the Interview

Right before the job interview, take a deep breath, stand upright and project confidence. Offer the hiring manager a firm handshake, and make good eye contact. Pay attention to your body language throughout the interview. Don't fidget, sit up straight, avoid crossing your arms and maintain a smile as you respond to questions.

It's okay to take a few seconds to collect your thoughts before you answer questions. Provide truthful responds, but avoid talking negatively about previous employers, bosses or co-workers. Make sure your answers demonstrate the value you can bring to the organization.

Before the job interview concludes, ask about the next steps. Find out when the recruiters hope to make a hiring decision, and ask how soon they plan to alert candidates.

After the Interview

While the interaction is still fresh in your mind, write a thank you note to each member of the interview panel. Express your gratitude for their time, and reiterate your interest in the position. Reinforce the skills and qualifications that make you a good fit for the job. While an email is acceptable, handwritten thank you notes offer a personal touch.

Think back to the hiring decision time frame you discussed in the job interview. If the date has passed and you haven't heard anything from the hiring organization, send a brief email to the hiring manager to get an update. Ask if the company made a final decision, and offer to provide any additional information they may need.

Job interviews are often perceived as stressful, but there's plenty you can do to make sure the meeting goes smoothly. Follow these interview tips to increase your chances of making a good first impression, acing the job interview and landing the job of your dreams.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at


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  • Monday N.
    Monday N.

    It's ok

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    @Eric M thanks for your comment. Face to face is important, not only for them to see you but for you to see the company - to see what you might be getting into. Many companies today want to just do phone interviews and them make a decision based upon that. That might be okay for the company but not so sure if it's good for the candidate. An interview is two-way. Not only are they checking you out but you get a chance to interview them. You get to ask the hard questions and see the interviewer's reactions. You get to see the actual company and the workers. You have the opportunity to get a vibe about the company. Do the employees look happy or do they look incredibly stressed? So yes - face to face interviews are very important for both parties to make the right decision.

  • Eric M.
    Eric M.

    I fully agree that a face to face interview is the best way for both the employer & the applicant! Some cases , a potential employer can be misinformed by an applicants outdated, or no longer existent, but legally reported information. I believe an interview gives an applicant a chance to present him or herself as the possible employee they are, and can be! Thanks for your time,and information, Eric Mcpartlin...

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