Interviewing But No Offers?

John Krautzel
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When you walk out of an interview with complete confidence but never get a call back, it's easy to feel confused and disheartened. If you're stuck in a rut of completing job interviews but not getting offers, you might need to take a hard look at your interview performance. Here are a few common mistakes you may not even realize you're making.

You Stumble Over Your Answers

Not being fully prepared for some of the most common interview questions can be a major red flag. An interviewer may be less likely to make a job offer if you provide drawn-out answers without truly addressing the questions, mumble as you speak or often use filler words such as "um" and "you know." Practice your answers out loud ahead of time to boost your performance and increase your chances of getting a call back.

You're Not Selling Yourself

A job interview is an opportunity to put your best foot forward and convince an employer to hire you, but if you fail to highlight what makes you a good fit for the job, an offer is unlikely to follow. During your conversation with an interviewer, be sure to mention your biggest achievements, relevant skills and other relevant qualifications, expanding on what you already included in your resume. Keep in mind that one of your main goals during a job interview is to stand out to the hiring manager in a positive way.

Your Social Media Game Is Lacking

Checking a candidate's social media footprint has become a staple of the modern-day hiring process. Even if you blew a potential employer away with your resume and job interview performance, one social media post in poor taste could send it all down the drain. Inappropriate photos, heated political posts and posts trashing a previous employer might all send a negative message to hiring managers. To mitigate the chances of this, set your accounts to private during your job search, and ensure any public information, such as your profile photo, is as professional as possible.

You're Not Showing You Care About the Job

Interviewers are more likely to make an offer to a candidate who is serious about the position and the company. If you are overly enthusiastic during the job interview, ask too many questions about pay and benefits or are unable to bring relevant skills and experience to the table, interviewers may view you as desperate. Give every interview the attention it deserves by researching the company and coming up with questions about the office culture to show interviewers you mean business.

Even a seemingly insignificant slip-up can send negative signals to a hiring manager. That's why careful preparation is crucial if you want to ace your next job interview. What are some other reasons behind not getting offers following an interview? Share your insights in the comments section below.

Photo courtesy of Ambro at


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  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    @Jeffrey G thanks for your comment. It's true. You never know what the other person is thinking unless you ask. Being overly confident when going on an interview could be your downfall for that position - depending upon the interviewer. I have interviewed applicants who came swaggering into the conference room like they owned the place only to fall flat on their face when the unexpected questions are asked. Sometimes it's kind of comical to watch their faces! @David S that is the worst. One minute you are rejoicing that you got the job and the next you are scratching your head wondering what the heck happened here. Did you ask the reason why they changed their mind and pulled the job offer? Wouldn't hurt to ask. Can't answer your question with anything other than "it depends". Who has the power could be different in one company than in another.

  • david s.
    david s.

    who has the power when I gotten jobs and someone higher resided not to give it to me

  • Jeffrey G.
    Jeffrey G.

    Never be that confident takes time I never know what the other person is thinking

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