Job Interview: The STAR Method Explained

Kristin Ekberg
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Have you ever gone to a job interview and the interviewer asks "tell me about a time when….", or "give me an example of….."?

Did you struggle to think of something quickly that would fit the scenario? Wouldn't it be great if you answered quickly and confidently, hitting the nail on the head? It can be done.

These types of queries are called behavioral questions. They may seem ambiguous but, in fact, they are designed to gauge a candidate's strengths and behaviors in real life situations. They are part of a structured technique corporations employ called the Star Method.

Coincidentally, clues on how to give a stellar answer (pun intended) to these behavioral questions can be found in the method's name.

Think of a situation that you were tasked with. What action did you take to resolve the situation? For example:

  • Situation: Important job interview coming up.
  • Task: Research the company. Anticipate questions from the job description.
  • Action: Think of real life scenarios, practice the delivery
  • Results: impressed the interviewer with my abilities and confidence. Received an offer.

Although the above example is not answering a specific question, it demonstrates how to structure your answers to any questions that you can anticipate. The best answers will have specifics giving the interviewer an insight on how you solve problems, interact with others and how you handled stress. By practicing your answers verbally, you will have the confidence to speak intentionally thus, highlighting your communication skills.

Some people look to the stars to predict the future. Similarly, by utilizing the STAR method you can predict some of the answers to questions you may be asked.


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  • Karshil Sheth
    Karshil Sheth

    Well in some scenarios coming with new questions this theory just vanishes from the mind. so its really to keep focus and calm while giving the interview.

  • Jean Claude R.
    Jean Claude R.

    I am looking for new opportunity to change my career for new challenges

  • Laura B.
    Laura B.

    I did, and It got me the JOB!

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