Mock Interviews Can Help With the Real Interview

John Krautzel
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Staging a practice run for an upcoming job interview represents a relevant, hands-on way to understand how an interview works and how to rehearse what you're going to say. Discover some tips for running a mock interview so you can prepare your brain properly for the big day.

Perform Research

First, perform research ahead of your job interview to obtain vital information about the employer. The more you can relate your experience to the employer, the better chances you have of becoming the top candidate. Look at the mission statement, industry, business model and company culture. Reach out to people at the company and talk to them about what it's like to work there and what to expect at the interview. When you get to know an employer, you show your motivation and why you're the perfect fit for the position.

Next, research common questions that hiring managers may ask during a job interview. "Tell me about yourself" is, perhaps, the most common question that interviewers ask. Answer this question by explaining how your experiences, skills, knowledge and background have prepared you for the current position. Your answer to this question sets the tone for the rest of the interview.

Other questions to go over during a practice run include "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" as well as "What are your career goals?" These questions gauge your self-awareness. Knowing your weaknesses helps you to work around them. Understanding your career goals lets an employer know how you want to develop your skills within your new position.

Choose the Right Person

After you research a chosen employer, it's time to find the right people for your mock job interview. Tap into your professional network and find someone who understands your industry and current trends. This person can give you tips on body language, nonverbal cues and how you should respond to certain questions. Ideally, your person has real-world experience conducting interviews, such as a supervisor, manager or department head.

Make It Realistic

A practice job interview should be as close to real as possible. Choose a professional setting, such as a conference room or small office, and dress for the occasion. Take everything you need with you, including a portfolio, writing utensil and notepad for taking notes. The people asking questions should be equally as prepared.

Record each mock interview on video so you can refer back to it later and make improvements. Consider posting your video to a video sharing website or sharing it with some of your network contacts so you can get feedback from impartial third parties. You should see a dramatic improvement over the course of your mock interviews, especially if you're not used to attending interviews on a regular basis.

Rehearsals for a job interview help you to memorize answers to questions until they become second nature as if you're having an ordinary, everyday conversation. When your responses roll naturally and effortlessly off of your tongue without sounding rehearsed, you're ready to ace your interview and land a dream job.

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  • Robin K.
    Robin K.

    Great information still looking for a new job

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