Reducing Stress When It Comes to Video Interviewing Perfection

Sean Ahern
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Whether you’re interviewing in person, over the phone, or via webcam, odds are you’re going to be an anxious mess as you wait to meet or talk to your potential employer for the first time. Although some people may actually prefer a video interview to an in-person interview, the majority of us fear potential problems that may arise due to the circumstances. Let’s take a look at some concerns regarding video interviews and how you can reduce stress in each area.

One of the most common stressors in regard to video interviewing is the fear of technical malfunctions. People dream up all sorts of technical difficulties that may occur, such as problems with their microphone or a lagging internet connection. The biggest fear, however, is experiencing one of these technical problems within the first couple seconds of the interview, as first impressions are crucial. One could argue that people believe that their technical problems will somehow reflect onto themselves, suggesting that it was somehow their fault. However, the employer is certainly not going to think “wow, look at this person, they can’t even get a simple webcam to work, how are they going to organize databases?” In fact, unless the employer is the most judgmental person in the world, they will most definitely not hold any sort of technical difficulty against you. Just have a laugh about it and start over.

Apart from technical issues on your end, the employer may also have some issues on their end as well that could potentially ensue stress. The most common fear, which phone interviews also share, is not being able to hear the employer properly. Perhaps they’re sitting at the other end of a boardroom table, or have a poorly functioning microphone, or just simply talk too quietly. The last thing you want to do is constantly ask them to repeat themselves, so if this happens, don’t be afraid to address the problem right away.

A lot of job seekers prefer to be interviewed in person because there are more opportunities to shine just a little bit more. The firm handshake, a nicely printed resume, and of course showing off your entire outfit are all pluses of the in-person interview, whereas in a video interview you have significantly less influence; it’s just the top half of your body. However, this could also be an advantage to those who would be substantially more comfortable wearing pajama bottoms. If you’re worried about how you won’t be able to utilize the magic cologne that gets you the job every time, just remember that neither can your competition. In fact, the video interview acts as an equalizer, giving everyone the same exact scenario to work with. Consider it an even playing field.

The video interview is nothing to stress over, and can even be your new favorite way to be interviewed if you look at its advantages over its disadvantages. Just ensure that you look great, do a test run with a friend, and then take ten deep breaths before your interview. You’ll do great!


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  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    @Daniel D thanks for your comment. This is SO true! But sometimes it's just not possible to meet in person so Skype or some other video format is the next best thing. At least you get to see each other and you get to see the interviewer's face when you are answering questions. So it's probably better than just interviewing over the phone. Have you done any video interviews? If so, let us know about your experience.

  • Daniel D.
    Daniel D.

    Nothing like meeting in the flesh for persons to have the right idea about your capabilities and interview correctly.

  • Paresh M.
    Paresh M.

    To borrow your phrase, the employer said exactly that, "wow, look at this person, they can’t even get a simple email to work, how are they going to organize taxes?" Now taxes are complex thoughtful product and one should not be penalized for a "jumping cursor" or sticky website on their end. The computer failed me, never got to a human to respond. Has happened more than a few times, actually. When they have more candidates / employees than required, computer is the easiest and best reason to "fail" or terminate.

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