Some Basic Guidelines for Your Next Interview

Nancy Anderson
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Job seekers rely heavily on recruiters to provide them with opportunities; however, how you perform during the job interview determines your success. Although each meeting with a prospective employer varies, you can outperform the rest of the candidates by following these basic guidelines.

Focus on Planning

Make sure the time spent preparing for a job interview is never wasted. Increase your chances of impressing the hiring manager and obtaining a job offer by spending time during your job search researching the company thoroughly. Investigate the company's mission, goals and product or service line. Perform an online search to find news articles about the firm's performance within the industry. It is also beneficial to connect with current employees and executives on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter. The more you learn about the company, the better prepared you are to impress both potential employers and recruiters filtering your application to the firm.

Display Professionalism

Hiring managers are assessing your performance from the first moment of contact. Walk through the door of the office with confidence, and display a personable, yet professional persona. Job candidates who dress for success and take a conservative approach with clothing and accessories for the job interview are less likely to offend the potential employer or cause distractions with dangling jewelry and clothing options that may be too informal. Pay close attention to your appearance, and avoid wearing heavy makeup or styling your hair so it falls into your eyes.

Assess how you communicate as well to display your professionalism during the job interview. Consider working with a mentor or member of your professional network to review interview questions while in the midst of your job search. Candidates may not realize that their responses to interview questions do not always communicate confidence. Gather feedback from professionals you trust, and work on marketing your skills in a confident and assertive manner. Pay close attention to your tone and vocal projections as well to ensure you are communicating in a way that is impressive, yet not too controlling.

Showcase Your Flexibility

Spend time prior to the job interview evaluating what you are seeking in an employment opportunity so you can communicate these wants and needs with recruiters and employers. Determine just how flexible you want to be as an employee and prepare to discuss how you can impact the company's growth, culture and bottom line. This is where your research comes into play. For example, if you know the company is seeking ways to increase their client base, brainstorm potential strategies to discuss during the interview.

Your confidence should guide each and every job interview so hiring managers can fully see your potential. Showcase your professionalism and display your knowledge of the firm so potential employers know that you are prepared and ready to positively impact their operations.

Photo Courtesy of xianrendujia at


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