Sometimes It's Your Fault You Didn't Get the Job

John Krautzel
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As a job seeker, it's crucial to evaluate your search and interview tactics. Even though you may have a polished resume and cover letter, your performance before, during and after the job interview and throughout your job search can hinder your opportunities. You may be responsible for missed career opportunities if you continuously employ the following tactics.

1. You're Not Acting Quickly

Fear and doubt can cause job seekers to hesitate, even well before they attend a job interview. Once you submit your resume and cover letter, begin following up with the hiring manager so your name is prominent within his mind. One way to do this is by emailing the hiring manager and inquiring about whether or not he received your application materials.

2. Your Application Materials Are Flawed

Your job search requires you to compile thorough documents that detail your qualifications. If your documents are full of spelling or formatting errors or do not cater to the position, you could be wasting your time and greatly minimizing your chances of landing a job interview. Never submit resumes and cover letters to employers without thoroughly proofreading them first. Review your resume and cover letter with a trusted member of your professional network to ensure they showcase your talents, skills, experience and qualifications and are completely free of errors.

3. Your Cover Letter is a Template

Go beyond the basics, and customize each cover letter to the specific position you are applying for. Research the company during your search and well before a job interview so you can include relevant information in your application materials. Make note of your transferable skills, and include details about them in your documents. Also, discuss any career successes that are related to the company or position. Applicants who use a generic template don't impress employers, as they generally do not highlight their uniqueness or eagerness to join the team.

4. Your First Impression is Questionable

Although it's common to be nervous for a job interview, it's crucial that you maintain a professional nature and put your best foot forward. First impressions last, and the last thing you want to do is leave a negative impression on the hiring manager. Dress professionally, smile often, offer a firm handshake and answer interview questions honestly. Avoid any distracting gestures or fidgeting while meeting with a potential employer. Remember to also focus your answers on your skills and experience versus your personal life to eliminate any chances of discrimination that could hurt your ability to receive a job offer.

Prepare yourself during your search and well before the job interview by researching the company, perfecting your application materials and polishing your interview skills to improve your opportunities as a job seeker. It's also important to be professional and make a great first impression during interviews.

Photo Courtesy of Amanda Ballard at


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