Why Multiple Interviews Is a Red Flag for Job Seekers

Brittney Jackson
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Imagine this, you recently applied for a job and landed an interview! You're feeling hopeful and excited after your interview since you left such a good impression on the hiring manager. As you eagerly await to hear back from them, you receive an email. You quickly open it to see that it’s a request for a second interview. Interestingly, longer hiring processes are becoming more common practice due to the rising rates of competitiveness in today’s job market. Even though hiring practices are becoming longer, you should still be wary of the red flags multiple interviews can potentially hint about an employer.

Employers may be indecisive about who they are looking for

A hiring process that extends for days to weeks with multiple interviews could mean that the job position is frequently changing over a short period of time. What is required and desired in a potential employee may evolve and require the employer to conduct multiple interviews over an extended period to ensure there is still a good fit. In some instances, you could find yourself waiting for days on end before you have a complete picture of what the job entails. At the end of it all, it may end up that you no longer qualify for the job you applied for weeks beforehand because of the rapid evolution of the position. This may not be the case for every job that ends up having multiple interviews but it’s still important to keep your eye out for any changes in the job listing to avoid being blindsided by previously undisclosed details.

A prolonged hiring process can indicate a company lacks a transparent work culture 

Transparency is critical in the hiring process and the workplace because it establishes honesty and trust between employees and employers. When an employer isn’t being transparent concerning job specifications during the hiring process, it can be challenging to fully engage and create a comfortable connection with them. The hiring process is commonly an employer's first impression and if the employer lacks open and honest communication, frequently changes up on you and has little to no concern for timeliness, it can raise alarms concerning the value the employer places on its employees. Additionally, lack of transparency during the hiring process can potentially hint at a scarcity of integrity within a company's work culture so be sure to be vigilant if you suspect an employer isn’t being fully honest about the position, you're interested in.

The hunt for a job can be unpredictable at times and seeing how competitive the job market is, it’s essential to be wary of any red flags looming out there to increase your chances of landing a job that’s right for you! Multiple job interviews don’t automatically mean you should stop pursuing the job you're interested in but it’s worth noting as you continue the hiring process in case anything else that doesn’t seem right to you stands out.


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  • Gaylord R.
    Gaylord R.

    And, this protracted interviewing process becomes even more complex when those interviews are conducted with you staring into the camera of your laptop at an employer's vendor website, while responding to bland, repetitive questions. You have little or no opportunity to establish a human connection.

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