A Checklist for After You Crushed That Interview

John Krautzel
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There's no better feeling than knowing you aced a job interview, especially if you really want the position. However, it's a bad idea to simply sit around and wait for the phone to ring after this great accomplishment. Until you hear the words "you're hired," continue to be proactive to increase your chances of landing a job. Here is a checklist of four things to always do after acing a job interview.

1. Jot Down Important Information

Right after the job interview, find a quiet place to sit down and take some post-interview notes. Jot down a few details about each topic you discussed, and try to recall the questions you were asked and the inside information the interviewer shared about the company. Do this as soon as possible, because the longer you wait, the more likely you'll be to forget certain details about the interview. If you're actively interviewing with multiple companies, taking notes after each interview is important. This strategy allows you to keep each employer's information separate. You can refresh your memory quickly if a hiring manager happens to call and will never face the embarrassment of confusing employers.

2. Send a Thank You Note

Use some details from the personal notes you crafted to create a short email or handwritten thank you note for each interviewer. Do your best to send the note within 30 minutes of the job interview. Thank the interviewers for considering you as an applicant and for their time. Explain how you're excited about the possibility of helping the company meet one of the specific needs discussed during the interview. Reiterate how your skills and experience make you the perfect candidate for the job, and thank the interviewers once more. This simple act makes you stand out and might put you ahead of other candidates.

3. Notify Your References

Send your references a short text or email letting them know they might receive a call from the employer. It's important to give your references a heads-up, as they are likely busy with their own lives and might forget they agreed to provide a reference for you. If possible, summarize any points you want your references to mention during the call, and ask them to text or email you if they hear from the employer.

4. Keep Looking, But Follow Up

Until you receive an official job offer and start date from an employer, never stop applying for jobs with other companies. Never make the mistake of thinking you're a guaranteed hire just because of your performance during the job interview. Follow up with the employer if you don't hear back within a week of your interview, but keep pounding the pavement until you land a job.

Even if you aced your job interview, follow the advice on this checklist. If the hiring manager chooses another candidate, he'll likely consider you for another position in the future based on your performance alone. If he doesn't contact you again after the job interview, that's okay too, because you didn't "put all of your eggs in one basket."

Photo courtesy of Mike at Flickr.com


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  • Jackie  M.
    Jackie M.

    Wonderful info!

  • John D.
    John D.

    Thank you, that is some sound advice.

  • William  A.
    William A.

    thank you all for you're support, hope i can find my dream job soon!!!! i am really positive and i am hoping for the best. thanks again!!!

  • Felicia B.
    Felicia B.

    Be confident. Always show confidence. Fake it til you make it if you have too. Confident that you know what you are doing.

  • juliana gayapanao
    juliana gayapanao

    i agree.

  • Isa Greene
    Isa Greene

    Think negative. Always stay positive no matter what. Positive brings brightness to your outlook.

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